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merchandise.gif (7292 bytes) Check out all of the cool, new merchandise available from the Animorphs series!

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Postcard Postcard

These two postcards are the front and back of a free postcard that came out around the time of book #27. Click each for a larger view.

Postcard Postcard

The next set is the front and back of a free postcard that came out around the time of book #31. It was also featured in the back of book #31. Click each for a larger view.

Postcard Postcard

These are the front and back of a free postcard that came out the time of MM1. It was found as a free take-one at a local bookstore. Click each for a larger view.

Postcard Postcard

These are pictures of the front and back of a card that you could send to your bookstore the reserve a copy of HBC. It came out around the time of Book #21.

Postcard Postcard

This was given free around the time of book #18. It is a card that you give to your book-seller to reserve a copy of MM2.

* All info on this page is an exclusive. Please give proper credit. Thanks to Lynn for his help with this info.


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