Welcome to the club. Be prepared....
let's begin... Morpher Core is an exclusive club, that not all people who apply will make it. What is in the actual club, that will be a surprise to you. There will be some work involved on your part in the application process, but nothing too strenuous. There are three major steps to accomplish to make it to the full membership. Now, I will go over these steps...
Your journey to the inner core of MC begins with a simple beginning application. You will be asked to answer some questions, and give us your thoughts on a certain issue. This application will have you include your name, e-mail address, state you live in (or country), and other fairly simple, yet not too personal, information. Once this info has been sent, and reviewed by the staff of Morpher Core, we will contact you if you have made it to step two.
If you have passed Step One, and been excepted into Step Two, this is the place to begin. Remember, in order to reach Step Two, you will need to have passed Step One. Ok, continuing...
Step Two will be a bit more difficult then the first step. You will be asked to write a 200+ word editorial on a certain subject we specify. Now, if you think two hundred words is alot, think about it this way. See the above three paragraphs? That's about 200 words. It's not that much, actually. Also, think about it this way: If you are complaining on how you don't want to write a 200 word essay to be in a club for true fans, are you really a true fan? Oooh...stumpped you there!
Also included in step two, we will ask you a few trivia questions. We will read through your essay, and check your trivia question answers. If we like it, and the questions are correct- we will again contact you to invite you to the third, and final, step...
With the Step Two results in, many of the people who have applied will have already been turned down. Not a lot of people will make it to Step Three.
The Third Step is an interview/quiz. Yes, it will be live interview over a chatroom, AIM, Yahoo! Messanger, or MSN. One of us will ask you questions and see how you answer. We will arrange a certain date and time when this will work for both the interviewee and the interviewer. Don't worry- this will be the easiest step. Just your basic knowledge of Animorphs will be all you need. This interview will be the final onject in your way to the Inner Core. It will only take about 10 minutes.
that's about it... Good luck to you in these steps. Remember, if you don't make it through one of the steps, it's nothing against you. Eventually, you will again be able to re-apply to see if you can make it the second time. Good luck to you on your journey, and we hope to see you in the inner core...
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