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Welcome to's January 2001 Site of the Month! The way this will work is simple. We award a special site each month with an award. We don't give the site anything, unless the want to take the below image, but we review the site and state why we like and enjoy it, as well as give it a link and a rating out of 100. Please enjoy this section of the site, and without any further ado...


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The Last Outpost is an incredible page with 100% Animorphs fan-fiction. Not only can you find over 65 original stories, you can search for your favorite by title, author, subject, date, or even genre. It's laid out really easily, and is great if you feel the need to read something new.

The Last Outpost has been around since July of 1999 and seems to be doing quite well. It is one of the few pages that can flourish on only fan-fiction. Along with great stories by over 19 authors, you can find fan-fiction contests, quizzes, and more. It even has a page to help you learn tips on how to make your very own fan-fiction. The Last Outpost can keep you busy for hours on end.

The sites layout is simple, and easy to use, yet very cool. It has frames for it's navigation, and it will direct you to a certain page depending on your browser, without you having to do anything. So, along with no browser script errors, each browser gets somthing different. For instance: the Microsoft Internet Explorer page gets very cool javascript glowing links, with a navigation box that tells you what is contained in each section. The stories are easy to get to, and easy to get back to it's mainpage and subject searches. The graphics are good, and not cheesey. And the sites quality is excellent. This site is definently worth checking out, and sticking into your favorite-sites lists!

Make SURE you check it out.




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The Last Outpost


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