Why Me?

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Why were we chosen?
Why just us six?
We're stuck in a war
No species can fix.
Jake, who's our leader
Is a middle-aged teen
Rachel, who's fearless
And always on the scene
Ax, the alien
Who's given more than he's got
And Cassie, who cares
And decides what's right or not.
Tobias, the hawk
Who's sacrificed the most
Who gave up his human form
And family on either coast.
And finally, there's me
Marco, the security guy
I'm the one that sits and wonders
"Why just us? Why?"
Maybe we're an important part
Of Crayak's and Ellimist's game
But once they finish they're playing around
None of us will be the same.
Our job is to defeat the Yeerks
But we're just in the way
We fight, in the hopes that the Andalites
Will come to Earth someday.
The horrors we've seen and even done
Just make me want to cry
But until this game is over
All we can do is wonder, "Why?"


By Sarah


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