In Life, In Death, For Eternity

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In the clouds
High In the baby blue sky
There he watches me
There he waits
It seems like forever since we've talked
Forever since I've seen him
For it is he that my heart belongs to
With life and death
I wonder if he knows
If he knows how much I care
On the ground
Out of the air
I see his smile
And his wavy blonde hair
His eyes show no emotion
For he has forgotten how to
Yet I know, that for eternity
We will always be one
The crazed warrior
And the son of Elfangor
Back in the air
Once again flying in the beautiful Earth sky
These were the good times
There were so few of these now
The battle was over
The war had begun
I was the only one that would do it
The only one that could…
I couldn't let him know
The son of Elfangor
For I knew he would never let me go
Hope is all we have
All we need
With love in our hearts
And hope in our minds
We will never lose
Against the enemy
For with that no one ever truly dies
We will live eternally
The Ellimist called to me
I was pissed
I didn't wish to go
I wanted to stay
Why, oh why did he take me away
I asked him if I mattered
If my life and dearth made a difference
He replied that yes, it did
But I still did not want to leave
Even though I had accepted my fate
I saw the boy
The son of Elfangor
I saw and felt the whole universe
He would live,
He wouldn't die in this battle
Perhaps we would meet again
Human eyes cried for me
Hawk's could not
He slowly begins to fade
The boy with the smile
And the wavy blonde hair
As I hoped with all my heart
That he knew how much I cared
In life
In death
For eternity


By Hope


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