Lookie Ma! It's Ricky Martin……….OR is it Boris Caebera?

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Boris.Ricky.Boris.Ricky.Boris.Ricky.Boris.Ricky.Boris.Ricky.Boris.Ricky. etc. etc...

I hate Ani-TV I hate every single episode of that cheap parody. I've seen worse only while watching *N Sync in concert. But that friends is another rant. To day I have only one rant to write. The uncanny similarities between Ricky Martin and Boris, Now On With the Rant:

" What is Ricky doing on Animorphs?"

Those were my thoughts when I first saw "Marco" on Ani-T.V. My next thoughts when "Jake" said that Ricky was his best friend Marco were:


Or something likes that. I was convinced by now that someone was playing a joke. I was like "OK, Brian, Joey, Ashley? One of you did this right?...Where are you? nice joke ha ha" When the clock showed 8:11 I knew. This was no joke. Ricky Martin was playing Marco. Leo Dicaprio was playing Jake. And Some ditz was playing Rachel Ugh the world is over.

Anywho back to Boris:

Before you start yelling at your monitor saying " Whataya mean Ricky Martin?!" look at the um..facts

Ricky: try's to sing in Spanish
Boris: try's to talk in Spanish

Ricky: Can't Sing
Boris: Never heard him but willing to bet he can't

Ricky: Bad fashion sense ( ugh..do you know how many cows had to die to make you look bad?)
Boris: Bad Fashion sense:( who gave you that jacket the great pumpkin?)

Ricky: was on a TV show
Boris: Is on a bad TV show

Ricky: A hormone charged iguana bent on world domination who spends his days on fantasies about *N Sync, He wears clothes that make him look like an escaped science experiment and spends his time trying to figure out why only 5 guys touched his butt today.
Boris: ditto to some extent

We'll peeps I leave now to check the gobs of hate mail I'm gonna get for this. I leave you with one message:

Boris. Ricky. Boris. Ricky. Boris. Ricky. Boris. Ricky. Boris. Ricky. Boris. Ricky...


By Jes


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