A rant about Star Wars

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I just wanted to comment on the Movie Awards. All of 'em. Come on, people. Why did Star Wars not get any Oscars? Cuz it sucked? NO. Cuz people are jealous and unappreciative of George Lucas's mind so that they have to go and insult him and make fun of Star Wars and say it sucked? YES. Okay, They Matrix was good, no doubt. But which had better Special Affects achievement? Star Wars.

Star Wars S.E. Achievements:

1) A realistic character (however annoying) created entirely in a MACHINE, however had extreme personality, as did Watto. (e.g. Jar Jar is a screwball, a pest, an idiot, and Watto is miserly, a gambler, bossy, grumpy, and probably a drunkard)
2) Scenes with MILLIONS of characters. This has never been done before.
3) Entirely computer generated locations, everything from Theed to Otoh Gunga to the Tatooine desert.
4) Cloth simulation. (e.g. Boss Nass, Jar Jar, Sebulba, Darth Maul...)
5) C.G. HUMANS, every now and then.

The Matrix S.E. Achievements (that weren't in Star Wars):

1) Interesting camera angles.
2) 360 degree Rotation around objects and people.


Now, not to say that The Matrix was bad, just that Star Wars should have won the award. As for sound achievement, that's hard to tell.

And the MTV movie awards...oh, boy.

Okay, I'm glad that Star Wars won for best action sequence, but best villain? Dr. Evil? Puh-leeze!

In the MZ message board some *anonymous* person said "Darth Maul didn't even talk!" and "Dr. Evil is evil...it's in his name!" Come on, talking makes a better villain? No. A name makes a better villain? No. And just to prove that person wrong, the word maul means "to bruise; batter; abuse." So that took a little more thought than "Okay, let's name him Dr. Evil."

And DARTH MAUL TOOK A LOT OF CHOREOGRAPHY, A TALENTED WU-SHU TRAINEE, AND A COOL(ER) COSTUME. Which is more than I can say for Dr. Evil with his finger in his mouth stroking his pet cat...


1) He looks evil.
2)He does evil things, like killing good guys, which a good villain should do.
3) He took A LOT of work; choreography, sword fighting,
4) He has a creepy voice.


Why Star Wars didn't win any Academy Awards:

Okay, you know how The Matrix won EVERYTHING over Star Wars? (as for oscars) Well, there IS a reason. You see, The Matrix was a Hollywood movie. Warner Brothers financed everything. Well, George Lucas hates Hollywood and everything so he financed everything himself. EVERYTHING. (Which is why Star Wars should be appreciated;) And The Academy hates him, because FOX had NO RIGHTS whatsoever to the prequel(s). So they "paid him back" by not giving him any awards. Well, George Lucas hates the Oscars, and if he's not mad, I'm not mad, eh?

And now: People (including Lucas's ex-wife Marcia and people who hate him [jealousy?]) are saying that he and Steven Spielberg (with Jaws and Star Wars) "ruined" the movie industry, because they made movies where the focus is on the S. Effects, (which is Totally NOT true. Star Wars has a great story), and are responsible for how the movie business is today. How? By making good movies? I don't think so.

A lot of people don't understand that Star Wars isn't about space battles and that stuff, it's about a father-son relationship, and the paths they take. You'd be surprised how much of Lucas's life is in the movies.

Anyway, On a ending and yet debated note: George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are said to be the greatest minds since Walt Disney, and George Lucas to be the best editor since. (And I agree).


By Zach B.


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