Just Read It!
Just about everyone who hasn't read one (Animorphs) thinks "oh, duh. Those look really stupid.
Yeah, a bunch of kids turn into animals and save the world. What are they, the Power Rangers?"
and that is totally not true. Yes, they are about kids turning into animals to save the world.
But that's like saying Harry Potter is about a kid who goes to school to learn magic. It doesn't
explain the...well...magic of the books. Animorphs are great books, very cinematic, but during
the plot of the books there is personal stuff, moral issues, Bad guys are not so bad, but evil
just the same...
An example (now this is sci-fi and from what I take it your not a huge sci fi fan, but bear with
me.) VISSER, one of the best of the books, is a sort of prequel to the regular (1,2,3) books. It
is about the silent invasion of Earth, and how they infested weak people, soldiers (from
battle), druggies, loser-teenagers, to get to humans without having an all out war, and that
Visser One (main character) actually has feelings and emotions, and that she sympathizes humans,
and has a relationship with her suboridinate, Essam, and they actually get married and have
children (strange) all through the human hosts, and a very good but sad book it is. (Wow, long
sentence.) Anyway, I've had my daily rant...
By Zach
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