Animorph T.V.

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Animorphs T.V. is a really bad t.v. show. Here are some of the reasons why I don't like it:

Nadia Nascimento is the only person close to looking like the person on the book cover. The only one close in age is Brooke Nevin, who is 16, the Animorphs are 15.

The Aliens don't even look real. The Hork-Bajir horns are 1 in the middle and 2 on the sides, not at all like the books. Where in the world are the Taxxons? Gedds? The Hork-Bajir never do anything.

The episode where they went to the Yeerk Pool, Jake was very close to being captured and Cassie almost got stuck in the Yeerk Pool. The Animorphs shouldn't be taking risks like this. Half of the episodes aren't even based on books.

Also, Tobias gets his morphing power back by opening the disk. Where did the Ellimist go? What about Crayak? I haven't seen him lately. Visser Three never morphs into any creatures from different planets. Plus, he never uses his tail in battle, neither does Ax.

The morphs are also bad. Where is Marco's Gorilla morph, Cassie's wolf morph and Rachel's bear morph? Plus, Tobias only uses his Hawk morph. In the second season, Victor Trent is no longer Visser Three's host. These are most of the reasons why I don't like the Animorphs t.v. show I like it in some ways, but in other ways, it's bad.


By Anonymous


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