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Here you will find all characters ever mentioned in the Animorphs books. Numbers in parentheses are the first book that the character appeared in. This page should be given credit to Animorphitis. Thanks to them for all their help! |
Grand Total: 401+
Admiral Carrington- Host of Visser Two (46)
Achilles- A rottweiler that captured Ax in harrier morph (16)
Aftran 942- Former leader of the Yeerk peace movement. Morphed and stayed as a whale (19)
Aguella- Ellimist's first love (EC)
Ajaht-Litsom-Esth- Estrid's brother; highest scoring tail fighter on the Andalite planet (38)
Akdor 1154- The leader of the original Yeerk rebellion of the Andalites (HbC)
Alahar 7865- Yeerk under Visser Three's command at the beginning of the Hork-Bajir War (HbC)
Aldrea-Iskillion-Falan- Daughter of Prince Seerow and co-leader of the Hork-Bajir army (HbC)
Alice Humphries- Your next door neighbor and friendly neighborhood Controller (Alt1)
Allison- A girl at the Animorphs' school that liked Jake (29)
Allison Kim- Visser One's third human host and Hildy Gervais's wife (VC)
Alloran-Semitur-Corass- Visser Three's host. Once went on a mission with Elfangor (8)
Aloth-Attamil-Gahar- Assasin in mission to kill Visser Three (38)
Amber Eye- Freaky dude that spotted Jake and is some part of security. New type of alien (41)
American Judge- A judge at the trial of Visser One (54)
Andy- One of the bullies who loved to beat up Tobias.(MM4)
Ant-Cassie- An ant that received the power to morph
and morphed Cassie, and maybe died (39)
Arbat-Elivat-Estoni- Alloran's brother; teaches at Advanced Scientific Theory University (38)
Arbron- An Andalite aristh that was about Elfangor's age. Trapped as a Taxxon (AC1)
Arklan- A Gedd-Controller sent to kill Aldrea and Dak Hamee (HbC)
Arthur Arundel- A human-Controller bank manager the Animorphs terrorized (37)
Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill- An Andalite the Animorphs rescued from the bottom of the ocean (4)
Azure Level, Nine Spar, Maste Three, Right-Messenger Twelve- See Inidar (EC)
Azure Level, Seven Spar, Extension Two, Down-Messenger, Forty-one- Ellimist's full real name (EC)
Azure Level, Seven Spar, Extentions Two, Down-Messenger Forty-two- See Lackofa (EC)
Bailey- Boy that complimented Rachel (32)
Bald Spot- Controller who is in the CIA (44)
Baldwin Colonel- Controller inside the Yeerk resistance(53)
Banion, Father- If Cassie screws up, her parents will threaten to take her to him for a talk (14)
Barafin- Aldrea's younger brother (HbC)
Barbie- Someone in love with Ken; a camper in Tobias's meadow (54)
Barry- A host of the Barry and Cindy Sue Show (12)
Barry- Guy who manages local bands but ready to become a full member of The Sharing (MM4)
Bart Jacobs- A "guy that takes animals on talk shows" (12)
Bek- A young Hork-Bajir that wandered out of the free Hork-Bajir colony (23)
Berman- Human-controller doctor; Berman Clinic named for him (6)
Beth- Girl at the Animorphs' school (26)
Big Jim- Gorilla at The Gardens (1)
Bill- Guy who helped persuade Tobias into being a full member of The Sharing (MM4)
Bobby Baransky- Christine Kaminsky's weenie sidekick news anchor (37)
Bobby McIntire- Lost, deaf boy that Tobias helped Bobby's dad find him (43)
Bobo Bear- Rachel's teddy bear. (32)
Breeyar, Prince- Commander of all fighter squadrons on the StarSword (AC1)
Brent Starr- Anchor man from the news (43)
Brittany- A girl at the Animorphs' school (29)
Brooke- Saddler's sister and one of Jake and Rachel's cousins (21)
Buffa-human- The buffalo that received the power to morph and helped the Animorphs (39)
Buster- Photographer guy's pet pitbull. Bit Marco and gave him rabies (42)
C.J.- One of the skunk kits the Animorphs saved (9)
Calarass- An Andalite aboard the Intreped (54)
Captain Olston- In charge of the people guarding the warehouses (52)
Captain Plummer- A Controller to help create the WW III between U.S. and China (46)
Captain-Prince Asculan-Semiture, Langor- A mean old Andalite fart (54)
Captain Whee- Represented the Inner-Worlders in a war with the Jillians (EC)
Carger 7901- A Yeerk that was one of Visser Three's fellow Hork-Bajir controllers once (HbC)
Carla Belnikoff- A professional-level gymnast coach (7)
Carlito- A person at the chat about Yeerks (16)
Carlos- A person that works in the Sutherland Tower (30)
Cassie- Most peaceful animorph. Likes Jake (1)
Caysath-Winwall-Esgarrouth- A Prince who brought the "news" to Jake (54)
Cha-Ma-Mib- The Leerans' god (18)
Chambers, Old lady- Teacher at the Animorphs' school (28)
Champ- Loren's guide dog (49)
Chandler- A dolphin at The Gardens (4)
Chapman See Hedrick Chapman
Chapman, Ms.- Hedrick Chapman's wife (2)
Charise- Marco's hair stylist (10)
Charles- Some boy at the Animorphs' school that called Cassie "Carla" (14)
Charles J. Sofor- Supposed deputy police chief and human-Controller (16)
Charlie- Man that worked at the hotel where the Solid Citizens Award banquet was held (35)
Chase Me Charly- A horse at the racetrack (14)
Chazz- A person at the chat about Yeerks (16)
Chee-Ionos- A Chee that didn't want to commit violence. Her human name is Maria (10)
Chester- A man who shot at the Animorphs while in bird morphs (2)
Chinese Judge- A judge who asked Jake if he was alright (54)
Chloe- Vet who helped heal Tobias. (43)
Chloe- Camper who found out what the Animorphs were (47)
Chopper- A guy who gave Marco directions to the governer's place (51)
Christine Kaminsky- Our favorite Yeerkish morning news personality (37)
Cindy Sue- A host of the Barry and Cindy Sue Show (12)
CKDsweet- A person at the chat about Yeerks (16)
Coaldwin-Ashul-Tahaylik, Dr.- Ship physician of the Andalite ship Ascalin (18)
Collette- New Animorph and is paraplegic (50)
Collins- One of the Governer's bodyguards (51)
Commander of the Air National Guard- His name says it all (51)
Confederate Soldier- Prisioner captured and questioned by Fitzhenry during Civil War (47)
Corporal Carson- Isaiah's best friend (47)
Corporal Controller-A controller with the rank of coporal (51)
Coporal Driver- A corporal who drives Jake home (54)
Corporal Fox- Played a pair of bones in the tiny band at the Christmas party (47)
Councilor Thirteen See Inspector, The
Courtney- A rat in Cassie's science project (9)
Craig- New Animorph; healed by morphing (50)
Crayak- A powerful rival of The Ellimist. Is evil and sadistical (26)
Crazy Helen- An old woman who lives in the Dry Lands and believes in aliens (14)
Dahlia- Girl that doesn't like Rachel (32)
Dak Hamee- Hork-Bajir seer and co-leader of the Hork-Bajir army. Married Aldrea (HbC)
Dan- Rachel's father. Is divorced from Rachel's mother (7)
Danielle- Strong girl at the Animorphs' school (20)
Darlene- A girl who had a pool party. Doesn't like Marco (MM1)
Darwin- The boy that Allison Kim and Hildy Gervais had (VC)
Dave- A TV news reporter (51)
David- A boy that found the Escafil device. He joined the Animorphs, but later revolted (20)
Davis- Student at Princeton University in 1932 from Alabama; was racist (MM3)
Dealin' Dan Hawke- Used car dealer that made Tobias mad (3)
Deeved- 3rd in command on Ellimist's ship (EC)
DeGroot- Controller lawyer that read Elfangor's statement to Tobias (23)
Delf Hajool- Jagil Hullan's kalashi, wife. Was acquired by Aldrea (HbC)
Derane 344- Yeerk that died in the Kandrona Famine. Was "expendable" (8)
Derek- Inuit boy the Animorphs met in the Arctic (25)
Doffnall- See Aguella (EC)
Domeship Elfangor- A Domeship named in honor of Elfangor (54)
Dominick- One of Jake's dad's work friends (11)
Drake- A bully at the Animorphs' school. Is on the swim team (15)
Drode, The- Creature that serves Crayak [with a meat patty on a sesame seed bun] (27)
Duberstein, Dr.- A doctor at the nuthouse Ax visited (MM4)
Dude- Tobias's pet cat (1)
Dutch Judge- A judge at the trial of Visser One (54)
Earl- Person that worked at Dealin Dan Hawke's Used Cars (3)
Edriss 562- Visser One. She was the first human-Controller, and controls Marco's mom (5)
Edward Cheltingham- Person at the chat about Yeerks. Screen name YrkH8er (16)
Edward, Policeman- Cop who was ready to become a full member of the Sharing (MM4)
Efflit-One-Three-One-Eight- Servers The One (54)
Eileen- A dolphin trainer at the gardens (4)
Elena- Blind Animorph who lives with Marco's parents (50)
Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul- Andalite prince that gave the Animorphs the morphing power (1)
Elias- Soldier at Washington's crossing of the Delaware (MM3)
Elizabeth- Girl that complimented Rachel (32)
Ellen- A girl at Darlene's party. Thinks Marco is immature (MM1)
Ellen- Saddler's mom (21)
Ellimist, The- An extremely powerful being that has helped the Animorphs on several occasions. Has no physical form (7)
Ellway, Coach- Rachel and Melissa Chapman's gym coach (2)
Elvis Presley One- Patient at nuthouse that sang awful version of Heartbreak Hotel (MM4)
Elvis Presley Two- Patient at the nuthouse (MM4)
Emily- Your mom's friend (Alt1)
Emily- Camper who found out what the Animorphs were (47)
Emperor, The- Dead leader of the Helmacrons (24)
Erek King- The human name of a Chee that has often helped the Animorphs (10)
Erica- New Animorph; healed by morphing (50)
Escafil- The Andalite that invented morphing technology (20)
Escobat- One of Ellimist's friends (EC)
Eslin 359- Yeerk that wanted Ax to kill Visser Three (8)
Esplin 9466 (the lesser)- Visser Three's twin; a cannibal that controls Joe Bob Fenestre (16)
Esplin 9466 (the prime)- Visser Three. The leader of the Yeerk invasion of Earth, and only Andalite-Controller (1)
Essak 24-12-7-5- Yeerk that was suppose to be in Jake's head in the alternate reality (41)
Essam 293- Yeerk enlisted by Visser One to help her look for Earth; later fell in love with her (VC)
Estrid-Corill-Darrath- Honorary aristh for the Visser Three assasination attempt; Ax's crush (38)
Estril 731- Aftran's brother; killed by Cassie (19)
Euclid- a.k.a. Satan with a perm. Nora Robbinette's and now Marco's pet poodle (35)
Eva- Marco's mother and Visser One's 6th and current human host (VC)
Fal Tagut- Free Hork-Bajir that once fought Tobias (23)
Falcon Controller- A controller that morphed a peregine falcon (51)
Farrand- A man that decided whether the Yeerks could start logging in the forest (9)
Farsight- A Wise One (EC)
Father- Took up the entire room of a moon that would absorb other species; played games with Ellimist (EC)
Father Deep- One of the Hork-Bajir's fabled "creators", with Mother Sky (HbC)
Fet Mashar- Visser Three's second Hork-Bajir host (HbC)
Feyorn, Captain- Captain of the Dome ship StarSword when Elfangor was a cadet (AC1)
Feyroyan, Mr.- Tobias's former English teacher and friend (33)
Finley- Controller policeman - Seidel's partner (Alt1)
Flower- One of Ellimist's Andalite children; became leader of the tribe (EC)
Fluffer McKitty- Pet cat of Melissa Chapman. Probably not fixed (2)
Forlay-Esgarrouth-Maheen- Elfangor and Ax's mother, probably (8)
Forrest- One of Saddler's brothers and Jake and Rachel's cousins (21)
Frank- A police officer in the Animorphs' town (22)
Frank- The Governer's husband; controller (51)
Frank Hallowell- Owner of Frank's Safari Land and Putt-Putt Golf (23)
Friedman- A student at Princeton University in 1932 (MM3)
Gah Fillat- Visser Three's third Hork-Bajir host. Died from the quantum virus (HbC)
Gale- A police dog (Alt1)
Galuit-Enilon-Esgarrouth, Force Commander- Commander of Andalite forces on Leera (18)
Gafinilan-Estrif-Valad- A very buff Andalite, suffering the Soola's disease. By day, he's a assistant professor at a college. Mertil's shorm. (40)
Garoff 168- Member of the Council of Thirteen and Visser One's former mentor (VC)
Gary Kozlar- A Human-Controller (8)
General Doubleday- In charge of Yeerk resistance which is called Alien Task Force One (53)
General Sherman- Commander of the Army National Guard (51)
George Edelman- Man Rachel saved; he told her about the effects of oatmeal on Yeerks (17)
George- Saddler's dad (21)
Gingerbread- Alice Humphries's pet cat (Alt1)
Golden Eagle Controller- A controller that morphed a golden ealge. Okay, so there are numerous of these guys (51)
Gonrod-Isfall-Sonilli- Andalite pilot jailed for being a coward under fire (38)
Governer- Governer of the state the Animorphs live in (51)
GoVikes- Standard chat room moron at the chat about Yeerks (16)
Grandpa G- Jake's great-grandfather. Dead (31)
Granny Controller- Psycho Controller (49)
Grant, Mr.- A businessman that Marco acquired (30)
Grass- One of Ellimist's Andalite children (EC)
Green Suit- Man in Alternate Reality who worked with Jake (41)
Greese- One of David's..um..."boys" (48)
Greta Van Susteren- CNN legal analyst (54)
Guard One- A guard guarding one of the warhouses that was suppose to hold the explosives, but didn't (52)
Guard Two- A guard guarding one of the warhouses that was suppose to hold the explosives, but didn't (52)
Guide, Son of Skin-seller, brother of Memory Wholesaler- Guide on the Iskoort's planet (26)
Gump 8293- Kid at the chat about Yeerks. His father is a controller (16)
Had Kalpak- A Hork-Bajir (HbC)
Hahn Tunad- One of the Hork-Bajir Visser Three tried to mutate (36)
Hala Fala- Elfangor's Garibah, his guide tree (AC3)
Halloram, Mr.- Teacher at the Animorphs' school (5)
Hamlet- Lexie's pet hamster (Alt1)
Hanna, Ms.- One of the Animorphs teachers; also a full member of The Sharing (MM4)
Hans- A boy at Darlene's party that was going to stomp Marco and Ax in mouse morph (MM1)
Hareli-Frodlin-Sirinial- Tactical officer of the Andalite ship Ascalin (18)
Hawk Controller- A controller that morphed a hawk (51)
Hedrick Chapman- Assistant Principal at the Animorphs' school. Important controller (1)
Henry McClellan- A professor at the college that works
with particle physics; loner (40)
Hewlett Aldershot III- The second-ranking man in the Secret Service (18)
Hildy Gervais- Essam's second human host and Allison Kim's husband (VC)
Hinckley, Mr.- A man who works at the racetrack (14)
Holly Perry- Girl that Marco wanted to ask out (34)
Homer- Jake's pet dog (1)
Human-Controller One- Human-Controller who almost Draconed Mr. King. (38)
Human-Controller Two- Human-Controller who almost Draconed Mr. King. (38)
Illim- Yeerk in the Yeerk peace movement. Controls Mr. Tidwell (29)
Inidar- Plays games with Ellimist (EC)
Ingrid- Mr. DeGroot's secretary (23)
Iniss 174- Yeerk eaten by Visser Three (2)
Iniss 226- Yeerk that controls Hedrick Chapman (2)
Iniss 455- Yeerk that was going to control Melissa Chapman (2)
Insights on the Animal Mind- Cassie's book (54)
Inspector, The- Council of 13 candidate and inspector of Visser Three; killed by Marco (37)
Intreped- Ax's ship (54)
Isaiah Fitzhenry- Soldier in the civil war. (47)
Ithileran-Halas-Corain- Assistant to the Head of Planetary Communications; talked to Ax (8)
Jacob- Black civil war soldier. Very determined to fight (47)
Jack- A guy from Marco's dad work that is a Controller (45)
Jagil Hullan- One of Dak Hamee's friends (HbC)
Jaham-Estalan-Forlan- War Prince and Chief of Andalite Military (52)
Jahar- Alloran's wife (AC1)
Jake- Leader of the Animorphs. Likes Cassie (1)
James- Got into an accident when he was 4, morphing healed him; lives in rehab; leader of smaller group of Animorphs (50)
Janath 429- A very old, wise Yeerk (HbC)
Jane Carnegie- Hewlett Aldershot III's boss (18)
Jara Hamee- A Hork-Bajir that escaped from the Yeerks with Tobias's help (13)
Jardbrass- A Polar Ket (EC)
Jarex- One of Visser Three's Mortron pets (AC3)
Jawan- Some boy at the Animorphs' school that called Cassie "Kendra" (14)
Jean- Jake's mom (1)
Jeanne Gerard- A girl in Jake's class who went on the suicide mission; French Deuxieme Bureau trainee (54)
Jeannie- A person that works at Jake's dad's office (31)
Jennifer- One of Loren's friends (AC3)
Jenny- Human name of one of Erek's Chee friends (10)
Jenny-Lynne Cadwalader- Idiot model and Visser One's second human host (VC)
Jeremy Jason McCole- Teen heartthrob that made a deal with the Yeerks (12)
Jerry- Marco's dad's former boss (5)
Jessica- A girl that got into a fight with Rachel (5)
Jessica McCole- One of Jeremy Jason McCole's sisters (12)
Jessie- New Animorph (50)
Jicklet- A great technician with patience (EC)
Jillay 926- Horse-controller killed by Visser Three (14)
Joe- Boy that took riding lessons with Cassie (14)
Joe- A stablehand at the racetrack (14)
Joe Bob Fenestre- Billionaire owner of Web Access America (16)
Joe Johnson- Jake's family's insurance agent (31)
Joe Miller- Sally's husband (47)
Joey- "Con artist" dolphin at The Gardens (4)
Joey- One of the skunk kits the Animorphs saved (9)
Joey- Boy at the Animorphs' school. Ate a Ho-Ho (26)
John- Patient at the nuthouse that saw Ax demorph (MM4)
John Berryman- Human controller that found the time matrix; no longer exists (MM3)
John Berryman, Sr.- John Berryman's hippie father (MM3)
Johnny- One of the skunk kits the Animorphs saved (9)
Jolphimee-Celpik- A Hork-Bajir that was in charge of getting Marco's dad back (52)
Jones, Airman- An airman at Zone 91 (14)
Jordan- One of Rachel's younger sisters (2)
Josep Something- Elephant trainer that made Rachel mad (7)
Joseph Felitti- Pilot that Ax acquired (46)
Juan- One of Jake's friends (6)
Judy- New Animorph (50)
Julio- New Animorph (50)
Justice- A child saved by the EF in Alternate Reality (41)
Justin- One of Saddler's brothers and Jake and Rachel's cousins (21)
Justin Mullins- Boy that chased Marco down the halls at school (20)
Kaehler, Dr.- Head doctor at the PICU at the hospital Saddler was at (22)
Kara- A girl at Darlene's party (MM1)
Karen- Daughter of millionaire owner of UniBank and former Controller (19)
Kelly- New Animorph with cystic fibrosis (50)
Kelly King- Reporter that was doing a story about Bobby McIntire missing (43)
Ken- Someone in love with Barbie; camper in Tobias's meadow (54)
Kenyan Judge- A judge at the trial of Visser One (54)
Ket Halpak- A Hork-Bajir that escaped from the Yeerks with her husband, Jara Hamee (13)
Kiko- A news reporter that was ready to become a full member of The Sharing (MM4)
Kilgam 329- Gedd-Controller at Olgin base (VC)
King, Mr.- The human name of the Chee that plays Erek's father (10)
Kirk- A popular human-Controller trainer at Fred's Fitness Center (37)
Korin 547- Horse-controller that was bitten by a snake and died (14)
Kristen- A popular human-Controller trainer at Fred's Fitness Center (37)
Lackofa- A serious scientist that sponser's Ellimist (EC)
Lacsar 454- Yeerk guarding a pool entrance (33)
Lambert, Ms.- Teacher at the Animorphs' school (3)
Larex- One of Visser Three's Mortron pets (AC3)
Lewis- Camper who found out what the Animorphs were (47)
Lexie- Your little sister (Alt1)
Liam- New Animorph (50)
Liberty- A child saved by the EF in the alternate reality (41)
Lieutenant Colonel Larsen- In charge of a battalion that was in the desert for two weeks (51)
Life-giver of the Jain Sea- Represented the Jillians in a war with the Inner-Worlders, quite arrogant (EC)
Lirem-Arrepoth-Terrouss- Head of the Andalite Council; talked to Ax (8)
Living Hive, The- The literally living hive where the Taxxons are born (AC2)
Lonnie Lowenstein- Man who worked at a film studio; Essam's first human host (VC)
Lore David Altman- Visser One's 4th human host. She created The Sharing with him (VC)
Loren- Tobias's mother and Elfangor's wife. She was once kidnapped by Skrit Na (AC1)
Lourdes- Human name of a Chee living as a homeless street person (27)
Mab Kahet- A Hork-Bajir elder when Dak Hamee was growing up (HbC)
Madison McCole- One of Jeremy Jason McCole's sisters (12)
Madra- The girl that Allison Kim and Hildy Gervais had (VC)
Magilla- Squirrel that Cassie acquired (4)
Major- A major who brought news to Jake (54)
Major Macdonald- Deputy director of the state police (51)
Marcel- Head chef at the Solid Citizens Award banquet (35)
Marco- Jake's best friend and fellow Animorph (1)
Maria See Chee-Ionos
Marian- Girl that asked Marco out to the symphony (25)
Marie- Elderly woman that called into William Roger Tennant's show (35)
Marine Corporal- Guy who is a marine and shot at the Yeerks in a gun fight (44)
Marky- One of the skunk kits the Animorphs saved (9)
Mary Ann- A person that works at Jake's dad's office (31)
Maska Fettan- A Hork-Bajir (30)
Matthews- Private in the army in Jake's dream about the army (31)
McIntire, Mr.- Bobby's dad, Tobias helped him find his son (43)
Meg- Camper who found out what the Animorphs were (47)
Megadeth- David's pet cat (20)
MegMom- A person at the chat about Yeerks (16)
Melissa Chapman- One of Rachel's best friends. Daughter of Assistant Principal Chapman (2)
Menderash-Postill-Fastill- Ax's first officer aboard the Intreped (54)
Menno- Met Ellimist at a Dance By; later him and Ellimist became more of enemies (EC)
Mertil-Iscar-Elmand- A vecol, Andalite without most
of his tail; Gafinilan's shorm (40)
Methit 572- Visser One's adjutant when she was at Olgin base (VC)
Michele Leary- Controller and pilot also that Rachel acquired (46)
Michelle- Cassie's mom (1)
Michelle- Jeanne's Cousin; likes short men (54)
Minneapolis Max- A horse at the racetrack (14)
Molloy, Mrs.- Grandpa G's housekeeper (31)
Monica- A dolphin at The Gardens (4)
Mother Sky- One of the Hork-Bajir's fabled "creators", with Father Deep (HbC)
MP Controller- Controller inside Yeerk resistance (53)
Naca- The Animorphs' "tour guide" around the Nartec's land (36)
Nanook- Polar bear the Animorphs acquired (25)
Naomi- Rachel's mother. Is divorced from Rachel's father (7)
National Guard Commander- "Found" the AM's parents (52)
Nerefir, Captain- a.k.a. Old Hoof and Tail. Captain of dome ship that crashed on Earth (8)
Nescord, Prince- T.O. of the Dome ship StarSword when Elfangor was a cadet (AC1)
Noorlin-Sirinial-Cooraf- Ax and Elfangor's father, probably (8)
Nora Robbinette- Marco's math teacher and stepmother (35)
Offeran-Jibril-Castant- Officer of the Domeship Elfangor (54)
Old Man Mouse- A mouse who refused to be Tobias's lunch (54)
Ordet 177- Yeerk who infested Tobias (MM4)
Oxagast- Menno's friend (EC)
Paloma, Ms.- The Animorphs' history teacher (7)
Pansy- A baby rabbit Cassie took care of (33)
Pardue, Mr.- A dead controller that was a teacher at the Animorphs' school (8)
Parsley- A baby rabbit Cassie took care of (33)
Patricia- A TV news reporter (51)
Pedro- James's best friend (50)
Pete- One of Jake's dad's work friends (11)
Peter- Marco's dad (4)
Phil- Human-Controller owner of a hardware store. Terrrorized by the Animorphs (37)
Phoebe- A dolphin at The Gardens (4)
Photographer Guy- Took picture of the Animorphs demorphing (42)
Polar Bear Controller- Controller that killed Rachel (54)
Polo- A rain forest native that helped the Animorphs (11)
Ponto Fallah- A Hork-Bajir elder when Dak Hamee was growing up (HbC)
Powell, Ms.- Tobias' old math teacher (43)
Powers, Professor- Old woman that used to feed and comfort Tobias (33)
President of the Courts- A Chilean Judge (54)
Price-Cut Polly- Hawk mascot of Dealin' Dan Hawke that Tobias freed (3)
Princie- A police dog you morphed (Alt1)
Private Tweed- Played the tambourine in the tiny little band at the Christmas party (47)
PrtyGirl802- Marco's online girlfriend and a seventy-three-year-old retired postal worker (16)
Pumpkin- Chimpanzee Ax acquired (28)
Quafijinivon- The emerald-green-skinned last living Arn (34)
Quatzhinnikon- A brilliant purple Arn. How he communicates is irrelevant (HbC)
Rachel- Jake's bold cousin and fellow Animorph. Likes Tobias (1)
Rachel- A dolphin at The Gardens (4)
Rachel- Whiny, obnoxious person Tobias used to know (23)
Rakiah-Four-Six-Nine-One- Santorelli's "Yeerk" name (54)
Ray- Animorph who was killed in leopard morph (53)
Redfar- See Inidar (EC)
Rhino-Controller- A controller in rhino morph (52)
Rich Huntley- First voluntary human-Controller; Visser One's 5th human host (VC)
Richard- Camper who found out what the Animorphs were (47)
Rick Stathis- Bully that used to beat up Tobias (33)
Ricky Lee- Boy who lives next to Loren (49)
Robert Olston- Captain Olston's son (52)
Ronnie Chambers- Cassie's new boyfriend (54)
Ross- A dolphin at The Gardens (4)
Royan- A bootlegger back in the 1920s (15)
Russ- Controller from Marco's dad work (45)
Saddler- Jake and Rachel's cousin; was run over (21)
Salawan- An Andalite legal observer (54)
Sally Forensik, Judge- A human-Controller judge terrorized by the Animorphs (37)
Sally Miller- Um, nurse during the civil war (47)
Samilin-Corrath-Gahar- Traitor captain of the Andalite ship Ascalin (18)
Samson- Also civil war soldier. Kinda like 2nd in command after Jacob for that tiny group (47)
Sara- One of Rachel's younger sisters (2)
Seerian- A fighter pilot from the Dome ship StarSword when Elfangor was a cadet (AC3)
Seerow, Prince- Andalite prince that gave advanced technology to the Yeerks (8)
Seerow- Child of Aldrea and Dak Hamee and father of Jara Hamee (HbC)
Seidel- Controller policeman that was suspicious of you and Cassie (Alt1)
September Twelve- Cassie's slave girl in the alternate reality (MM3)
Sheila- Woman that discussed the banquet plans at the summit meeting (21)
Short Guy-A controller that was a bodyguard of the governer (51)
Sergeant Raines- 2nd in command, behind Isaiah Fitzhenry; civil war soldier (47)
Sergeant Santorelli- A guy in Jake's class who went on the suicide mission; U.S. Army Ranger (54)
Sergeant Spears- Soldier that didn't like the blacks working with them (47)
Sergeant Tara Weston- Expert on explosives (52)
Silver Eye- Freaky dude that spotted Jake and is some part of security. New type of alien (41)
Sinegert, Dr.- Human-Controller that worked on the Anti-Morphing Ray (33)
Singh, Dr.- Human-Controller that worked on the Anti-Morphing Ray (33)
Sky- One of Ellimist's Andalite children (EC)
Soco, Queen- Queen of the Nartec race (36)
Sofor- Elfangor's fighting instructor. Also met Aldrea on the Hork-Bajir home world (AC1)
Spawn- David's pet cobra (20)
Star- One of Ellimist's Andalite children; died of a disease (EC)
Steve- Jake's dad (1)
Storm- A child saved by the EF in Alternate Reality (41)
Strake- Controller that fences stolen goods (27)
Streak- Male dog in Jake's neighborhood (1)
Stripeless- A Controller with no rank (51)
Sub-Visser Fifteen- A sub-visser executed for incompetence and cowardice (HbC)
Sub-Visser Fifty-One- Second-ranking Yeerk on Earth. Controls Taylor (33)
Sub-Visser Fourteen- A sub-visser that got promoted (HbC)
Sub-Visser Nineteen- Aftran's former commander (19)
Sub-Visser Ninety-Two- First Yeerk that Visser One contacted after a year on Earth (VC)
Sub-Visser Seventeen- Commander at Olgin base when Visser One left (VC)
Sub-Visser Sixteen- A sub-visser that got promoted (HbC)
Sub Visser Thirteen- A sub-visser killed in a battle with rebel Hork-Bajir (HbC)
Swoosh- An orca whale the Animorphs acquired (36)
T. T.- Boy that asked Rachel out (27)
Tai- A makeup artist on the Barry and Cindy Sue Show (12)
Tap-Tap- One of the bullies who loved to beat up Tobias (MM4)
Tasset- Human-Controller that works at a sporting goods store (33)
Tatchilla- An adviser of Farsight (EC)
Tattoo- One of David's..um..."boys" (48)
Taylor- Preppy, supermodelesque host of Sub-Visser Fifty-One (33)
Teacher Controller- A teacher that is a controller (51)
Teeter, Patrolman- Schoolyard patrolman at "your" and the Animorphs' school (Alt1)
Temrash 114- Yeerk that controlled Jake, briefly (6)
Terry- One of Jake's friends (6)
Terry- Person that works at the hospital Hewlett Aldershot III was in (18)
The Gorilla Speaks- Marco's best selling book (54)
The One- Big Powerful All Mighty Freaky Looking Guy; Ax became part of him (54)
The Rachel- The cool ship that took them to the suicide mission (54)
Theresa Knowlton- John Berryman's hippie mother (MM3)
Tidwell, Mr.- The strictest teacher at the Animorphs' school. Controlled by Illim (29)
Tiffany- Ricky Lee's sister (49)
Tila Fashat- A Hork-Bajir elder when Dak Hamee was growing up. The "Old One" (HbC)
Timmy- New Animorph with speech impediment problem (50)
Tisha- One of Sara's friends (17)
Tjala- Yami's pet dog (44)
Tobias- Animorph that was trapped as a hawk (1)
Toby Hamee- Seer child of Jara Hamee and Ket Halpak (HbC)
Tom- Jake's brother. Is a controller (1)
Tom- Sergeant at Washington's crossing of the Delaware (MM3)
Tony- White House Chief of Protocol that Visser Three acquired (21)
Toomin- Ellimist's chosen name (EC)
Torrelli, Captain- Captain in charge of security at Zone 91 (14)
Tree- Ellimist's um...Andalite wife (EC)
Tricia- One of James' Animorphs (53)
T'Shondra- A girl Marco liked, or at least tried to charm (20)
Tyler- Boy that fell in a crocodile pit and was saved by Rachel (12)
Veleek, The- Swarm of living particles Visser Three made his pet (MM1)
Violet Level, Two Spar, Main Brance, Left-Messenger, One hundred twenty-nine- See Aguella (EC)
Visser Four- Former leader of the Yeerk invasion of Leera. Found the Time Matrix (18)
Visser Four- Early Yeerk leader in the Hork-Bajir war; gave order to attack the Andalites (HbC)
Visser One See Edriss 562
Visser One's Laywer- Idiotic Laywers (54)
Visser Three See Esplin 9466 (the prime)
Visser Two- Well, he's Visser Two. Host is Admiral Carrington and he's wacko. That's been establish several times.
Walter- Cassie's dad (1)
Warlatan- An Andalite aboard the Intreped (54)
Water- One of Ellimist's Andalite children (EC)
Wetherbee/McPherson- Marco's butler (54)
William Roger Tennant- A controller talk show host the Animorphs made disreputable (35)
Wing Tip- See Frank
Wolf-Controllers- Controllers in wolf morph (52)
Woo- A bully at the Animorphs' school with the I.Q. of cheese (15)
Wormer- One of Ellimist's friends (EC)
Wuss- Cassie and Marco's teacher in the ways of submission (24)
Yami- A guy Cassie met in the Australian Outback (44)
Yami's Grandfather- Gave Cassie a boomerang as a gift (44)
Yaheen 747- Yeerk in a search party for Aftran and Karen (19)
YeerKiller9- A person at the chat about Yeerks (16)
Yellow Suit- Man in Alternate Reality with an accent who told Jake to visit the
clinic. (41)
YrkH8er See Edward Cheltingham
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