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Want the latest info on the main characters of the series? You've come to the right place! Get all the latest goss on what's been going on with the Animorphs below: |
Name: Tobias
Age: Rumored to be 13-15
Looks: HUMAN: Brownish-blonde hair, Messy and Tangled. Blue eyes. HAWK: Red tail feathers. Gold, unemotional staring hawk eyes.
Relationships: Tobias is unique in that his father is Elfangor, the Andalite Prince that gave the Animorphs their powers. It's a long story, explained in The Andalite Chronoicles. This bizarre twist makes Ax his uncle. Tobias and Rachel have a little thing going on. Ax is his best friend, or Shorm.
Morphs: Tabby Cat (Dude) (unusable), Red-tailed Hawk (stuck as), Raccoon, Hork-Bajir, Human (himself), Racehorse, Dolphin, Hammerhead Shark, Fly, Mole, Bat, Mosquito, Deinonichus (unusable), Seagull, Flea, Baby Seal, Polar Bear, Sperm Whale, Giant Squid, Bull, Chimpanzee, Eel, Cockroach, Mountain Goat, Andalite (Ax), Killer Whale, Cheetah, Honeybee, Taxxon, Beaver, German Shepherd, Mallard Duck
Nicknames: Freak of Nature (himself); Bird-Boy ( Marco ).
Part in Group: Tobias is the member of the group who shows everyone else what can happen if you don't keep track of time. He is the one who is the lookout, as he has a permanent pair of wings. watching out for everybody.
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