The Numerous Sightings of Annoying Online Abbreviations (T.N.S.O.A.O.A)

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HOW many times has someone been talking to you online, through and instant message or a chat room, and then suddenly used one of those annoying online abbreviations? It happens to me a lot!

For those of you who don't know what annoying online abbreviations (also known as evil online phrases) are, I'll give you a couple of examples. "Lol," "brb," "g2g", "ttyl," and among these, there are millions of other ones that have been annoying the heck out of me. These are just plain stupid, and are mostly used by people who don't like typing out full words with actual grammar. And why do I hate these so much? Well, there's just one I hate the most: lol. It's just so dumb to use! I mean, okay, here's an example of some usage of the evil lol:

COOLdude3245234: Hey there Betsy, guess what? My dog just exploded!

Okay, as you can see in this ridiculous conversation, Cooldude3245234's dog had just exploded and Betsy is expressing her laughter by using 'lol.' This is completely idiotic for two reasons. One: EVEN if you spelled it out, it would be laugh out loud (or laugh online), and still that would make no sense:

COOLdude3245234: Hey there Betsy, guess what? My dog just exploded!

You see? When someone says something funny, you would LAUGH, not say "laugh out loud"! So, therefore, the correct thing so say would be:

COOLdude3245234: Hey there Betsy, guess what? My dog just exploded!

This is the correct way to express laughter. Hysterical laughter, by the way. My second reason why I hate lol is this:...I just forgot it. Darn. Anyways, back to my point. Evil online phrases should be banned. Along with evil online phrase users, there are also the people who do not spell out simple words. They spell 'you' as 'u', 'are' as 'r', etc. What's wrong with these people? Do they not just not know how to spell 'you' correctly, or are they just trying to annoy me? Among these little abbreviations, I hate one the most. I hate 'ur'. Ur is usually meant to express 'your', but sometimes 'You're'. When ur is used for your, it's just stupid. For instance, it would be pronounced 'er'. I can't believe how dumb some people are by not being able to spell out simple words like this. If you have a problem with me expressing what I have to say, feel free to email me at

I have a couple more things to say. For those of you who have read my deli meats rant that I wrote more than two years ago, I want to say I'm sorry. I never meant what I said, I was a stupid little sixth grader at the time, and mainly, I was just trying to get 'Sabrina' mad, because she supposedly loved deli meats. By the way, Sabrina's real name is Chrissy, we've actually been friends for quite some time now, and I'll probably convince her to write a rant for for old time's sake.


By Mac


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